Publications and Communication Committee

  • Blanche Capel, Duke University (Chair, '26)
  • Harini Iyer, Stanford University ('26)
  • Jeremy Nance, New York University ('26)
  • Joaquin Navajas Acedo, Biozentrum at University of Basel (’25)
  • Gary Schoenwolf, Retired ('26)
  • Carole LaBonne, Northwestern University (President-elect, '25)
  • Ondine Cleaver, University of Texas Southwestern (Developmental Biology Editor-in-Chief)
  • Marsha Lucas (ex officio)
  • Ida Chow (ex officio)


The Publications and Communication Committee (PCC) is charged with supporting and enhancing mechanisms for the SDB to communicate and engage with its members and the broader scientific community and to promote the field of developmental biology. The committee will provide support and advice to meet the needs of the Society and facilitate goals of its leadership. It will help in overseeing and enhancing utilization of the website, social media, a database for content and coordinating engagement of the membership. It will coordinate content creation for SDB, including news stories and materials for the website, newsletters, and liaise with the journal Developmental Biology to help promote its success.