Research Assistant or Research Associate Level Staff Scientist

Ohio State University

Columbus, OH

Posted 3/30/2022

The Ye lab in the Neuroscience Department at the Ohio State University is seeking a motivated candidate for a staff scientist at the Research assistant or Research associate level. The candidate will work with the PI on a NIH funded research project in microbiota-gut-brain communication. To further explore our research, please visit:

The intestine harbors complex gut microbiota community. How the brain senses the respond to the dynamic gut microbial environment is an intriguing question. The Ye lab uses gnotobiotic zebrafish techniques together with the neurocircuit tracing to investigate the precise mechanisms by which gut microbiota communicate with the brain.
The candidate should have B.S. in biology or related field. Experience in molecular biology or genetics will be plus.

Job links:

To apply:
For the interested candidate, please send their CV and contact information for three references directly to the PI (Dr. Lihua Ye) at [email protected]

Last Updated 04/27/2022