logo What's new in edition 98
September 2023
Gene sites new with this edition

Gene sites new with this edition

Glucosidase 1
Peptidoglycan recognition protein SA
What was new in recent past editions
[edition 97] September 2023
[edition 96] January 2023
[edition 95] September 2022
[edition 94] May 2022
[edition 93] January 2022
[edition 92] September 2021
[edition 91] May 2021
[edition 90] January 2021
[edition 89] September 2020

The Interactive Fly was first released July/August 1996, with updates provided at approximately one month intervals, through September 1997 (edition 13). Updating quarterly started with edition 14. With edition 40, the Interactive Fly began to schedule updates three times a year: fall, winter and spring.

Gene sites new with this edition of the Interactive Fly:

The sense of taste is an important sentinel governing what should or should not be ingested by an animal, with high pH sensation playing a critical role in food selection. This study explored the molecular identities of taste receptors detecting the basic pH of food using Drosophila melanogaster as a model. A chloride channel has been identified, named alkaliphile (Alka), that is both necessary and sufficient for aversive taste responses to basic food. Alka forms a high-pH-gated chloride channel and is specifically expressed in a subset of gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs). Optogenetic activation of alka-expressing GRNs is sufficient to suppress attractive feeding responses to sucrose. Conversely, inactivation of these GRNs causes severe impairments in the aversion to high pH. Altogether, this discovery of Alka as an alkaline taste receptor lays the groundwork for future research on alkaline taste sensation in other animals (Mi, 2023).

Cell proliferation is central to epithelial tissue development, repair, and homeostasis. During cell division, small RhoGTPases control both actomyosin dynamics and cell-cell junction remodeling to faithfully segregate the genome while maintaining tissue polarity and integrity. To decipher the mechanisms of RhoGTPase spatiotemporal regulation during epithelial cell division, this study generated a transgenic fluorescently tagged library for the 48 Drosophila Rho guanine exchange factors (RhoGEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), and their endogenous distributions were systematically characterized by time-lapse microscopy. Therefore, candidate regulators of the interplay between actomyosin and junctional dynamics during epithelial cell division were unveiled. Building on these findings, it was established that the conserved RhoGEF Cysts and RhoGEF4 play sequential and distinct roles to couple cytokinesis with de novo junction formation. During ring contraction, Cysts via Rho1 participates in the neighbor mechanosensing response, promoting daughter-daughter cell membrane juxtaposition in preparation to de novo junction formation. Subsequently and upon midbody formation, RhoGEF4 via Rac acts in the dividing cell to ensure the withdrawal of the neighboring cell membranes, thus controlling de novo junction length and cell-cell arrangements upon cytokinesis. Altogether, these findings delineate how the RhoGTPases Rho and Rac are locally and temporally activated during epithelial cytokinesis, highlighting the RhoGEF/GAP library as a key resource to understand the broad range of biological processes regulated by RhoGTPases (di Pietro, 2023).

Target-directed microRNA (miRNA) degradation (TDMD), which is mediated by the protein ZSWIM8 (mammalian homolog of Dorado), plays a widespread role in shaping miRNA abundances across bilateria. Some endogenous small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) of Drosophila cells have target sites resembling those that trigger TDMD, raising the question as to whether they too might undergo such regulation by Dorado, the Drosophila ZSWIM8 homolog. This study finds that some of these siRNAs are indeed sensitive to Dora when loaded into Ago1, the Argonaute paralog that preferentially associates with miRNAs. Despite this sensitivity when loaded into Ago1, these siRNAs are not detectably regulated by target-directed degradation because most molecules are loaded into Ago2, the Argonaute paralog that preferentially associates with siRNAs, and with siRNAs and miRNAs loaded into Ago2 were found to be insensitive to Dora. One explanation for the protection of these small RNAs loaded into Ago2 is that these small RNAs are 2'-O-methylated at their 3' termini. However, 2'-O-methylation does not protect these RNAs from Dora-mediated target-directed degradation, which indicates that their protection is instead conferred by features of the Ago2 protein itself. Together, these observations clarify the requirements for regulation by target-directed degradation and expand understanding of the role of 2'-O-methylation in small-RNA biology (Kingston, 2021).

Glucosidase 1
In order to respond to infection, hosts must distinguish pathogens from their own tissues. This allows for the precise targeting of immune responses against pathogens and also ensures self-tolerance, the ability of the host to protect self tissues from immune damage. One way to maintain self-tolerance is to evolve a self signal and suppress any immune response directed at tissues that carry this signal. This study characterizes the Drosophila tuSz mutant strain, which mounts an aberrant immune response against its own fat body. This study demonstrates that this autoimmunity is the result of two mutations: 1) a mutation in the Glucosidase 1/GCS1 gene that disrupts N-glycosylation of extracellular matrix proteins covering the fat body, and 2) a mutation in the Drosophila Janus Kinase ortholog that causes precocious activation of hemocytes. Data indicate that N-glycans attached to extracellular matrix proteins serve as a self signal and that activated hemocytes attack tissues lacking this signal. The simplicity of this invertebrate self-recognition system and the ubiquity of its constituent parts suggests it may have functional homologs across animals (Mortimer, 2021).

The gut epithelium is subject to constant renewal, a process reliant upon intestinal stem cell (ISC) proliferation that is driven by Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Despite the importance of Wnt signaling within ISCs, the relevance of Wnt signaling within other gut cell types and the underlying mechanisms that modulate Wnt signaling in these contexts remain incompletely understood. Using challenge of the Drosophila midgut with a non-lethal enteric pathogen, this study examined the cellular determinants of ISC proliferation, harnessing Kramer, a recently identified regulator of Wnt signaling pathways, as a mechanistic tool. Wnt signaling within Prospero-positive cells supports ISC proliferation and kramer regulates Wnt signaling in this context by antagonizing Kelch, a Cullin-3 E3 ligase adaptor that mediates Dishevelled polyubiquitination. This work establishes Kramer as a physiological regulator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in vivo and suggests enteroendocrine cells as a new cell type that regulates ISC proliferation via Wnt/β-catenin signaling (Sun, 2023).

Cell competition, the elimination of cells surrounded by more fit neighbors, is proposed to suppress tumorigenesis. Mahjong (Mahj), a ubiquitin E3 ligase substrate receptor, has been thought to mediate competition of cells mutated for lethal giant larvae (lgl), a neoplastic tumor suppressor that defines apical-basal polarity of epithelial cells. This study shows that Drosophila cells mutated for mahjong, but not for lgl [l(2)gl], are competed because they express the bZip-domain transcription factor Xrp1, already known to eliminate cells heterozygous for ribosomal protein gene mutations (Rp/+ cells). Xrp1 expression in mahj mutant cells results in activation of JNK signaling, autophagosome accumulation, eIF2α phosphorylation and lower translation, just as in Rp/+ cells. Cells mutated for damage DNA binding-protein 1 (ddb1; pic) or cullin 4 (cul4), which encode E3 ligase partners of Mahj, also display Xrp1-dependent phenotypes, as does knockdown of proteasome subunits. These data suggest a new model of mahj-mediated cell competition that is independent of apical-basal polarity and couples Xrp1 to protein turnover (Kumar, 2022).

Peptidoglycan recognition protein SA
The gut sets the immune and metabolic parameters for the survival of commensal bacteria. This study reports that in Drosophila, deficiency in bacterial recognition upstream of Toll/NF-κB signalling resulted in reduced density and diversity of gut bacteria. Translational regulation factor 4E-BP (Thor), a transcriptional target of Toll/NF-κB, mediated this host-bacteriome interaction. In healthy flies, Toll activated 4E-BP, which enabled fat catabolism, which resulted in sustaining of the bacteriome. The presence of gut bacteria kept Toll signalling activity thus ensuring the feedback loop of their own preservation. When Toll activity was absent, TOR-mediated suppression of 4E-BP made fat resources inaccessible and this correlated with loss of intestinal bacterial density. This could be overcome by genetic or pharmacological inhibition of TOR, which restored bacterial density. These results give insights into how an animal integrates immune sensing and metabolism to maintain indigenous bacteria in a healthy gut (Bahuguna, 2022).

Modification by sialylated glycans can affect protein functions, underlying mechanisms that control animal development and physiology. Sialylation relies on a dedicated pathway involving evolutionarily conserved enzymes, including CMP-sialic acid synthetase (CSAS) and sialyltransferase (SiaT) that mediate the activation of sialic acid and its transfer onto glycan termini, respectively. In Drosophila, CSAS and DSiaT genes function in the nervous system, affecting neural transmission and excitability. These genes were found to function in different cells: the function of CSAS is restricted to glia, while DSiaT functions in neurons. This partition of the sialylation pathway allows for regulation of neural functions via a glia-mediated control of neural sialylation. The sialylation genes were shown to be required for tolerance to heat and oxidative stress and for maintenance of the normal level of voltage-gated sodium channels. The results uncovered a unique bipartite sialylation pathway that mediates glia-neuron coupling and regulates neural excitability and stress tolerance (Scott, 2023).

In the early syncytial Drosophila embryo, rapid changes in filamentous actin networks and membrane trafficking pathways drive the formation and remodeling of cortical and furrow morphologies. Interestingly, genomic integrity and the completion of mitoses during cell cycles 10-13 depends on the formation of transient membrane furrows that serve to separate and anchor individual spindles during division. While substantial work has led to a better understanding of the core network components that are responsible for the formation of these furrows, less is known about the regulation that controls cytoskeletal and trafficking function. The DOCK protein Sponge was one of the first proteins identified as being required for syncytial furrow formation, and disruption of Sponge deeply compromises F-actin populations in the early embryo, but how this occurs is less clear. Quantitative analysis was performed of the effects of Sponge disruption on cortical cap (actin structures at the apical surface) growth, furrow formation, membrane trafficking, and cytoskeletal network regulation through live-imaging of the syncytial embryo. Membrane trafficking was found to be relatively unaffected by the defects in branched actin networks that occur after Sponge disruption, but Sponge was found to act as a master regulator of a diverse cohort of Arp2/3 regulatory proteins. As DOCK family proteins have been implicated in regulating GTP exchange on small GTPases, it is also suggested that Rac GTPase activity bridges Sponge regulation to the regulators of Arp2/3 function. Finally, the phasic requirements were demonstrated for branched F-actin and linear F-actin networks in potentiating furrow ingression. In total, these results provide quantitative insights into how a large DOCK scaffolding protein coordinates the activity of a variety of different actin regulatory proteins to direct the remodeling of the apical cortex into cytokinetic-like furrows (Henry, 2022).

Frazzled (Fra) and deleted in colorectal cancer (Dcc) are homologous receptors that promote axon attraction in response to netrin. In Drosophila, Fra also acts independently of netrin by releasing an intracellular domain (ICD) that activates gene transcription. How neurons coordinate these pathways to make accurate guidance decisions is unclear. This study shows that the ADAM metalloprotease Tace cleaves Fra, and this instructs the switch between the two pathways. Genetic manipulations that either increase or decrease Tace levels disrupt midline crossing of commissural axons. These conflicting phenotypes reflect Tace's function as a bi-directional regulator of axon guidance, a function conserved in its vertebrate homolog ADAM17: while Tace induces the formation of the Fra ICD to activate transcription, excessive Tace cleavage of Fra and Dcc suppresses the response to netrin. It is proposed that Tace and ADAM17 are key regulators of midline axon guidance by establishing the balance between netrin-dependent and netrin-independent signaling (Zang, 2022).

date revised: 1 September 2023

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